About Us

About Us

At Lushentic Chanel Bags we specialize only in Chanel products.

Our factory buys authentic Chanel bags and they never craft a copy without having the original bag in their hands. We open each original bag and cut it in parts to craft the perfect quality copy every year.

We only use only European original leather, that’s why our colors are authentic.

Our prices aren’t the cheapest because you will get true Lushentic quality.

Our Chanel bags and wallets are made from authentic leather, with original hardware and threads.

We guarantee the highest quality Chanel replicas in the market. Bags are presented as an example of our work and are not all that we can craft. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us as and we can make another Chanel bag for you.

Our production for Chanel bags is on a completely different level. A large number of our clients are authentic buyers who are delighted with our quality.